Sunday, December 13, 2015

Retinopathy In Premature Babies

Posted by Health


Retinopathy In Premature Babies is a situation where there is interference with the formation of blood vessels of the retina in premature infants. Severe retinopathy is characterized by retinal vessel proliferation, scarring and retinal detachment.


Retinal blood vessels begin to form when 3 months after conception and fully formed by the time the baby is born. If a baby is born prematurely, the impaired development. Retinal blood vessels will begin to form again when the baby's general condition improved and most will grow perfectly.
At retinopathy of prematurity, retinal blood vessels grow abnormally, ie into the clear fluid that fills the back of the eye. Here, the blood vessels do not have a network of advocates to be very fragile and often experience bleeding inside the eye. This will be followed by the formation of scar tissue that pull the retina of the inner layer of the eyeball toward the center so that the retina can come loose. As a result, there can be vision problems, or if the condition was severe, can lead to total blindness.
Many premature babies with impaired growth in the retina that are temporary, but it is usually followed by a normal growth without treatment. Only about 1 in 10 infants with more severe retinopathy.
In the past, the use of excessive oxygen can stimulate the growth of abnormal blood vessels. Currently, oxygen consumption can be monitored accurately and easily, so that blood vessel growth disorders are rare.
The risk of retinopathy because premturitas proportional to the severity of prematurity; the smaller the baby is born, the higher the risk of retinopathy.


Newborns who have retinopathy in prematurity usually has no symptoms. However, severe retinopathy can cause the following symptoms:
·         Leukokoria (white pupils)
·         Nystagmus (abnormal movement of the eyeball)
·         Strabismus (squint)
·         Severe myopia (nearsightedness)


Retinopathy of prematurity can be diagnosed with the help of ophthalmoscopy examinations. Eye examinations in preterm infants made within 4-9 weeks after delivery and then carried out a re-examination every few weeks until the blood vessels of the retina formed. In infants who have scarring caused by retinopathy, an eye examination should be repeated every 1 year lifetime.


Mild retinopathy often experience a spontaneous healing process. But although there has been a healing, infants have a risk of suffering from nearsightedness, strabismus and visual impairment.
In the severe retinopathy, can be done with laser surgery or cryotherapy (freezing surgical therapy) to stop the growth of abnormal blood vessels and reduce the risk of retinal detachment and visual impairment. If retinal detachment has occurred, it is necessary to surgically restore the retina into place.


The most effective prevention is to prevent premature birth. If a baby is born prematurely and suffered from respiratory problems, there should be strict monitoring of oxygen consumption.

- G, Paul B. Retinopathy of Prematurity. Medline Plus. 2013.
- J, Elana P. B. Retinopathy of Prematurity. Kids Health. 2013.

- K, Arthur E. Retinopathy of Prematurity. Merck Manual Home Health Handbook. 2009.


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