Saturday, December 12, 2015


Posted by Health


Pneumothorax is the accumulation of air that occurs between the lungs and the chest wall, rembesnya result of air from the lungs, which can cause the lungs to become depressed and collapse.


The lungs and the chest wall is elastic, so that one can draw and exhaling. Pneumothorax occurs when there is a small air bags (alveoli) in the lungs of infants broke, so the air out into the cavity between the lungs and the chest wall (the pleural cavity).
Pneumothorax occurs most often in newborns with impaired lung elasticity, for example on:
·         Respiratory distress syndrome, the most common cause of pneumothorax in preterm infants. This is caused by a lack of surfactant that helps the lungs stay open, so that the alveoli can not develop easily. In addition, the baby is often aided by a respirator (ventilator), which can sometimes make the alveoli rupture and pneumothorax occurred.
·         Meconium aspiration syndrome (the baby's stool was first issued). If meconium is inhaled into the respiratory tract, it can cause respiratory problems in infants.
In rare cases, a healthy baby could experience pneumothorax while he was inhaling the first time after birth. This happens because the pressure needed to expand the lungs for the first time.


Many infants with pneumothorax do not have symptoms. But if there is, symptoms may include:
·         bluish skin color
·         rapid respiratory rate
·         flared nostrils while breathing
·         baby becomes restless and fussy
·         sound coarse breath sounds
·         the retraction of the muscles of the abdomen and chest


Pneumothorax is suspected in newborns with pulmonary disorders or newborns who uses a respirator (eg CPAP or ventilator) experienced a worsening in breathing, drop in blood pressure, or both.
On physical examination, breath sounds in the lungs are exposed is reduced. In premature infants, can be done on the chest irradiation (transilluminasi) in a dark room. If there is a pneumothorax will appear as the brightest regions. Chest x-rays performed to confirm the diagnosis.


No treatment is needed for newborns who are asymptomatic. Newborns at term with mild symptoms can be placed in a special crib given oxygen, so the baby breathe air that contains more oxygen than normal air.
However, if your baby has difficulty in breathing or if the oxygen levels in the blood decreases, the air must be removed from the chest cavity. Air spending is done by using a special needle.
For babies who are experiencing great difficulty in breathing or using breathing aids, it can be installed special plastic hose into the chest cavity to remove the air therein. This hose can usually be removed after a few days.

- K, Arthur E. pneumothorax in newborns. Merck Manual Home Health Handbook. 2009.

- L, Kimberly G. pneumothorax - Infant. Medline Plus. 2012.


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