Thursday, December 10, 2015

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)

Posted by Health


On Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is a condition that occurs in the fetus while in the womb, where his mother drinking alcohol.
Disorders that can occur in fetal alcohol syndrome in the form of physical deformities, mental retardation, learning disorders, disturbances in vision, and behavioral disorders. These disorders vary between each child, but the abnormalities that occur are irreversible (permanent).


Alcohol drunk by pregnant women would easily cross the placenta and to the fetus. Because the fetus to metabolize alcohol more slowly, the concentration of alcohol in the blood of infants was higher than in the mother. Alcohol can inhibit the delivery of oxygen and nutrients for the development of tissues and organs of the fetus, resulting in congenital defects can occur, especially if alcohol is drunk in large quantities.
More and more pregnant women consume alcohol, the risk to the fetus will be even greater. Disorders that may occur in the fetus among other facial deformities, as well as cardiovascular disorders, bone and central nervous system, as a result of drinking alcohol during the first trimester of pregnancy. At this time, the fetus is in a crucial stage of development. Usually a woman even knows she's pregnant in the first weeks of pregnancy, so that they continue to consume alcohol.
The use of alcohol during the first trimester is more dangerous than the second trimester; and the use of alcohol during the second trimester is more dangerous than the use of alcohol during the third trimester.
In the first trimester of fetal organs are developing, so that the fetus is susceptible to the occurrence of birth defects. When the second and third trimesters, fetal organ development is complete. The use of drugs is unlikely to pose a clear Bawan defects at birth, but it is not known about the long-term effects. However, there could be a change in the normal growth and function of organs and tissues.


Fetal alcohol syndrome is not a single disorder, but rather a group of related disorders and is the most severe effects of fetal exposure to alcohol while still in the womb.
Fetal alcohol syndrome is a cause of frequent occurrence of mental retardation. The severity of mental retardation that occurs varies.

Alcohol in large quantities can cause miscarriage or fetal alcohol syndrome. Signs of fetal alcohol syndrome may include:
·         Abnormalities in the face, which includes small eyes with folds epikantus wide, thin upper lip, small upper jaw, nose short and facing up, the nasal bones are low, and no indentation in the top middle of the upper lip.
·         Abnormalities in the joints, limbs and fingers.
·         Slow physical growth before and after birth, which includes all parameters (head circumference, weight, body length)
·         Disturbances in vision or hearing
·         Head circumference and small brain size (microcephaly)
·         Developmental disabilities and disorders of the three or more major areas, namely thinking (eg, lack of imagination or curiosity), speech, movement, or social skills (such trouble to make friends and keep friendships)
·         Lack of muscle tone and coordination disorders
·         Mental retardation
·         Difficulties in learning, such as disturbances in memory, difficulty understanding certain concepts, language comprehension disorders, and impaired ability to solve problems
·         Behavioral disorders, such as difficulty concentrating and sustaining attention, hyperactivity, poor impulse control and anxiety.
·         Heart defects, such as ventricular septal defects or atrial septal defects
·         Fine motor skills disorders
·         Tremor
·         Hand-eye coordination is not good
·         Abnormalities in the line of palm (simian crease)


Diagnosis is based on symptoms that exist, physical examination, as well as a history of alcohol consumption during pregnancy. With a stethoscope can hear a heart murmur or other heart abnormalities mark.
Another inspection is usually done:
- Ultrasound (indicate a bottleneck in the growth of the fetus)
- The level of alcohol in pregnant women, who show signs of alcohol intoxication
- A CT scan or MRI after the child is born


There is no specific treatment to cure fetal alcohol syndrome. Physical and mental disorders usually persists for life. Difficulties in learning may be assisted by providing special education in schools. To cope with congenital heart defects may need surgery.


Has not been proven whether to consume alcohol in small amounts during pregnancy safer; therefore, women who plan to become pregnant or women who are pregnant should not consume alcohol.
Women alcoholics are planning to become pregnant should follow the rehabilitation program and alcohol abuse during pregnancy should receive strict supervision.

- Mayo Clinic. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. 2011.
- N, Linda. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. Kids Health. 2012.
- P, David. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. Medicine Net. 2010.

- V, Linda J. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. Medline Plus. 2012.


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