Friday, April 1, 2016

TBC Gland in Children

Posted by Health
One of the preventive measures against tuberculosis in children is to give an injection of BCG vaccine when the child is still small. These injections as part of a series of immunization in children is endorsed by the government. TB disease is has various kinds, including the glandular tuberculosis.
Do you know what is meant by glandular tuberculosis in children?

TB disease not only attacks the lungs only. Can also attack the lymph nodes, whose symptoms can be seen on the neck. Not only adults should be aware of this disease. Children are more susceptible to various diseases and TB disease can arise as a result of the child breathe the air containing TB bacteria. However, TB in children is not contagious.

TB bacteria that infects the child's body was in the gland and not in the open state. In contrast to TB in adults, is in the lungs so it has no way out through the breath. Children are usually infected with TB germs or bacteria from adults who have TB disease coughs or splash then spit in the air the same place where the child resides.

TBC gland in children can be seen if the child has swelling in the neck. The swelling may exceed the people who have mumps. The swelling can also burst and then remove the pus and blood. This condition is called sklofuloderma. To make sure whether it is true swelling symptoms of TB disease, the patient must undergo various checks on the advice of a doctor.

Laboratory tests will be done carefully because the rate of glandular tuberculosis patients in Indonesia is high. Doctors will perform histopathological examination of the lymph nodes to ensure the existence of this disease. The initial symptoms of this disease is not very visible because the symptoms are mediocre as the common flu. Fever will appear, but not too high, usually around 38 degrees Celsius Children with TB gland will feel unwell, night sweats and weight decreased significantly.

But keep in mind, the usual symptoms like this will improve only for a moment and after that the patient will continue to feel tired and unwell sustainable. So do not be too cool for glandular tuberculosis in children had early symptoms are unusual, not unique. Come, guard the health of children.


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